Jul 8Liked by Fiona Stocker

Beautiful article, such powerful words. These really hit me: "[I] have come to think we carry grief around with us like a lifelong companion. It swills around us, a great miasma, sometimes a thin and distant cloud and sometimes a suffocating one. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling lost or afraid in it sometimes." Thank you. x

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Thank you Daniela xxx

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May 30Liked by Fiona Stocker

What a beautifully moving piece, Fiona. I don’t think I’d ever been into Emergency before becoming a mum. Fortunately, it’s been because of my anxiety rather anything serious for the children. Meanwhile, hold onto R. I’d read a whole novel about him!

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That's a thought, about R..... I'd love to write some fiction one day and he had the character of an old fashioned gentleman.

Yes emergency becomes a regular haunt once you've got kids. One of the nurses reminded me about the new 'urgent care' options in Launceston which I didn't really fully know about. They're open until nine. Keeping those in mind until next time. We mums need to know all the options.

Thanks so much for your comment! Fiona

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May 24Liked by Fiona Stocker

“…The places we fade and come back to life again..”

Stop it. YOU'RE CRYING!!

Beautiful and so thankful that someone takes the time to expose and record all those emotions we experience in quiet moments and the often unknown people that linger within our hearts for years.

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Thank you Inga. Your comments keep me writing. There's so much below the surface for us all, I think.

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May 23Liked by Fiona Stocker

Beautiful written Fiona. After an emergency bout in hospital myself last year, living remotely, we've learned to pack a bag now - 'just in case'. So happy to hear your son has bounced back. Hope you can too soon. xx

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Thanks Tara. Good thinking re that hospital bag. I'm making up a small pouch for each of the glove boxes in our cars - toothbrush and paste, clean underwear, face cream, deodorant. Small luxuries. Am bouncing back but it just takes me longer!

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