Its taken a while for me to work out what this platform is for - and I kinda use it as a journal to keep me in check on where Im going and what I’m currently doing and almost as a record of ‘oh what was that cooks pancake recipe again I used in winter?’ Or ‘who was at the party’. I love insta for its daily check in - but here seems to collect those events and write them more in depth and the links to the things means it’s like a visual and interactive diary to remind me. Well I think you know what I mean. Im terrible but for being ‘out each week’ …but Im trying. Sure its all apart of the process x

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Hey there Jo, thanks so much for dropping by and leaving me a note! I love your free wheeling style on here that seems to incorporate so much, it’s been one of the stacks that has got me inspired. I’ve lost my Instagram mojo of late and this seems like everything I want Insta to be and much much more.

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